Our Team: Science Care’s Leadership

Tricia Hammett

Tricia Hammett

CEO & Program Director

Diane Eklund MD

Diane Eklund, MD

Non-Transplant Anatomic Medical Bank Director

Bobbi Smrtka

Bobbi Smrtka

Vice President & CFO

Mike Huston

Mike Huston

Vice President of Laboratory Operation

Stephen Bathje

Vice President, Tissue Management

Rachel Thorman

Vice President, Donor Services

Whitney Weimer

Vice President, Client Services

Kaylan Goodwin

Vice President, Marketing

Our commitments

The Science Care team comes from diverse backgrounds, and something about it just works! We are committed to leading a safe, compliant, high-quality, ethical program with the highest level of integrity. We work to customize our services to each and every client, while ensuring our donors' dignity and respect remain top of mind.

A message from Tricia Hammett, Science Care CEO & Program Director

Since our founding in 2000, Science Care has been established on public trust.

Our program’s foundation is our culture of respect for donors, their loved ones, our employees, and the communities that are home to our operations. We have one opportunity to honor a donor’s last wishes, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

During our years as a public trust program, we have witnessed the unfortunate outcomes of a few unethical individuals and organizations, who have threatened the integrity and moral perception of the entire industry. These organizations’ actions are not a reflection of the industry, but a reflection of unprincipled individuals who took advantage of donors and their loved ones at an extremely difficult and vulnerable time. As the industry leader, our hearts extend to any donor family touched by this deception.

The actions of these organizations, coupled with sensationalism in the media, raises questions for donors and their families. Our goal is to be a resource to answer any questions you might have and provide you with peace of mind in your decision to donate to science.

Science Care partners with medical researchers and educators who change the world for all of us. Because of this, donors who contribute to the Science Care program impact many parts of our lives.

To put this into perspective, if you or someone you know has ever taken a prescription medication, used a skin product, had an orthopedic implant, a minimally invasive surgery, or even been a transplant recipient, our donors have helped and continue to help train and develop these areas of medicine. I can speak for all of us when I say, our donors are the unsung heroes that live on.

As the industry leader, we are responsible for continuing to establish standards for the non-transplant tissue banking industry that protect our donors, their loved ones, our clients, and our communities.

Recently, we participated in movements to mandate licensing and accreditation for non-transplant tissue banks in Arizona, Colorado, and Florida. The Science Care team will continue to support and build regulations that improve our industry. We want you to be proud of our program, our industry, and all that we stand for.

We are fully committed to our donors, donor families, clients, and the larger industry. Thank you for your continued support of our program.

Tricia Hammett

CEO & Program Director

Memory in Nature

Each year, Science Care plants a tree to honor the life of each donor. This is a small way we honor the gift of donation and leave the world a better place for future generations.
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