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If a death has occurred...

Please accept our deepest sympathies. You may call us right away at (800) 417-3747 ext. 1, to complete the medical screening.

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If a donor is terminally ill, or under hospice / palliative care...

Please call us at (800) 417-3747 ext. 2, or fill out our online HOPE® program form to receive a call back to complete the medical screening.

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If you have an updated address or contact information...

If you’ve already registered with Science Care, you may update your address or contact information, print a registration card, or complete the self-consent form we provided via email. If you’ve not received the form or need us to resend it, please email info@sciencecare.com to request.

Filling out the form is a great first step to express your intent to donate your body to science. Thank you for considering Science Care.

Need more information?

Who can register?

Our registration is currently open for those who reside in the following states: AZ, CA, CO, DE, FL, IL, NV, NY, PA, TX, and WI. If you do not live in one of these states, simply tell your loved ones that you wish to be a donor so they are aware to call Science Care either at your entry into hospice care or at the time of passing. Please note we cannot assist in AK, AR, HI, ME, MN, MT, NJ, NM, ND, or OK due to state-specific regulations.
Most people meet the criteria for donation with Science Care, including those with cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, and other chronic conditions. Certain conditions such as HIV/AIDS, Hepatitis B or C, extremely high or low body mass index (BMI), consent issues, location of residence or passing, legal issues, condition of body at the time of passing, or any inability to place the donation with current medical research or education projects at the time of passing may impact final acceptance in to the Science Care Program, including Science Care’s HOPE® Program.

Next steps after you register

Once you register your intent to donate with Science Care, we will email you a registration packet that includes identification cards. Note that registering your intent is not a requirement, nor a guarantee of acceptance.

Register today

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* Please fill in all required fields. See fields in red above.

Science Care Donor Registration Form

If you do not live in one of the states currently open for Science Care registration, simply tell your loved ones that you wish to be a donor so they are aware to call Science Care either at your entry into hospice care or at the time of passing.
Please use a unique email address, as we are unable to accommodate the same email for multiple registrants. Also, please ensure there are no spaces before or after your email.
If using a PC, use the primary number keys (not the number pad on the right).
The information you share on this form is kept confidential with restricted access.
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