Events at non-Science Care facilities

Science Care provides safe, secure support for hands-on medical training in over 50 countries.
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Medical training and event management — anywhere in the world

The Science Care team is able to support your medical research and training needs all over the world in qualified venues.

Science Care offers all of the following and more:

  • Customized anatomical specimens and preparation
  • Event Steward staffing support services worldwide
  • Worldwide network of qualified medical training venues
  • Various scanning options
  • Logistics support and coordination to over 50 countries, to include equipment, instrumentation, personal protective equipment, etc.
  • Quality, service, availability

For medical education and training events taking place outside of a Science Care facility, Science Care Event Stewards are not required, but are always an option. Many clients prefer to have our team handle all the details to eliminate any risk associated with their team handling anatomical specimens.

Science Care stewards are flexible to the needs of each client, so they can do as much or as little as you require. If you choose to engage a Science Care Event Steward, they are trained to assist with at least the following:

  • On-site acceptance of the specimen delivery
  • On-site assistance and handling of specimens
  • Preparation and positioning of specimens
  • Assistance with set-up of tables, draping, instrumentation, PPE’s
  • Ensures signage is in proper locations, as needed
  • Instrumentation cleaning during and after the event
  • Clean-up after the event
  • Preparation and packaging for the return of specimens
  • Coordination and hand-off to freight forwarder for return of specimens to Science Care, or a local disposition vendor

Transcription: Event Stewards offer that personal touch and professional help to alleviate much of the responsibility associated with handling human tissue. Your personal Event Steward will travel anywhere your event is hosted, while maintaining custody of the tissue. Event Stewards are highly trained, clinical technicians. The Steward will help with the set up and break down of the event and are on hand to assist in any way during your training. Event Steward services allows you to focus on your attendees and delivering high quality educational content.

Important factors to consider for venue selection

If you choose to host your event outside of a Science Care facility, it’s critical you thoroughly vet the facility prior to booking. This protects you, your clients, our donors, and the industry. Any facility not clearly established for medical training events has to be approved by the Science Care management team prior to the shipment of any specimens. When working to identify options, you may consider the following:

Security Measures

  • Is the tissue and the lab in a place where there is no risk of public access?
  • For any specimens that needs to be maintained overnight, is secure storage available?
  • Are there any windows which can be viewed through the outside by the public and if so, are they draped?
  • Is there proper security at the door of the event facility to ensure only attendees are allowed access to the event area?

Risk Mitigation

  • Who will be providing PPE’s?
  • Is final disposition coordinated and is there a vendor engaged that can recover the specimens and transport to the final disposition destination?
  • How will you coordinate the proper disposal of all bio-waste materials after the lab?
  • How will the tables and floors be covered to ensure there is no contamination?
  • Who will be on-site to accept the specimens?
  • Who will be packaging the specimens (following the lab) for shipment and / or cremation?
  • Will irrigation capabilities will be sufficient for designated use, if applicable?
  • Proper signage should be posted at entrances/exits to alert attendees of the following: No photos or videos except as specifically authorized by SC in writing; Radiation risk signs id any type of equipment with radiation is being used; PPE requirements; no food or drink allowed in or around the lab space

Help for Medical Association Meeting Planners

Hands-on event training courses at medical association meetings has been proven to boost event attendance, participation and value for attendees. Science Care supports both large and small association courses. Multi-day and multi-course event management and supervision meetings are our speciality. We can help you achieve your goals.

Transcription: Hello and welcome to Science Care. I'm Tricia and I help support the needs of Medical Association Meeting Planners. We know that hands-on training courses with human tissue can dramatically boost event attendance, participation, and perceived value for your attendees. From simply providing human tissue specimens for your association meeting to complete multi-day, multi-course event management and supervision, we can help you achieve your goals. Give us a call and let's discuss what's possible and how hands-on training courses can help support your success.

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