A Letter to Science Care

A Letter to Science Care

Here is a letter we received from a family member who recently used Science Care.

“When my mother passed away last July, we had discussed donations as an option, as a family, but made no pre arrangements. Her passing was shocking, as it always is. Slow, yet sudden. I was the only one here to make decisions. When the mortuary was calling, asking what I wanted to do with her remains...I was in a daze and quite frankly at a total loss. I'd never done this before. My mother had just passed away and I was left with so many decisions. In a frenzy, I took to the internet to find options.

Science Care was honestly the first site I clicked on. I filled out a simple application and in less than an hour, I was on the phone with a coordinator. Now, I can't stress this enough...I have no affiliation with Science Care, but they were so very kind and gentle with me during this emotional process. Tears are streaming down my face now as I recall my story. The caring voice on the other end was the first comfort I had felt during this daze. They made it so incredibly easy! My mother's remains were picked up that day.

All I had to do was fill out a few forms via e-mail. My brother, who lives in another state, was sent the same forms. Once we both consented, and signed by electronic signature....it was all done. I cannot tell you how easy it was. The whole process took about an hour! If you have ever lost someone, and been in that haze of grief, I'm sure you understand the importance of ease.

A few days had gone by, maybe a week or so, and that same lovely coordinator called me to check in on my grieving process! Who does this? I was so touched. It not only felt professional...but personal. In about 2 weeks, my mother's cremated remains were airmailed to me. She was placed in a lovely box with a beautiful crystal. All of this, at NO CHARGE to me! I have told everyone about my experience and urge all of my loved ones to pre-register. I just did and it feels wonderful knowing that my family will not have to make these decision and I know they will be handled with respect and true caring. What better way to exit this life....to possibly help another. There is no greater gift! Thank you, Science Care...thank you for your ease and above all your kindness. I am forever grateful.

Most sincerely,

Siobhan V.

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