How body donors combat the long-term effects of poor posture

How body donors combat the long-term effects of poor posture

Research indicates that good posture has more benefits than simply projecting confidence or increasing one’s self esteem. Good posture is a pivotal factor in living a longer, healthier, more active, productive, and pain free life!

Keeping shoulders back and standing or sitting with good posture has many positive results, including increased energy, and the ability to remain focused and concentrate. For more information about the positive results of good posture, visit  

The Impacts of Poor Posture are Wide-Ranging

Poor posture is a major contributor to chronic joint pain throughout the body causing:

  • Limited mobility 
  • Abnormal bone growth
  • Other deformities in anatomy

Sitting in a slumped position can constrict the functionality of the heart and lungs leading to:

  • Heart and other vascular disease
  • Respiratory issues

Becoming less active due to chronic pain or lack of energy can cause:

  • Muscles and organs atrophy
  • Shorter life expectancy
  • Lower quality of life

The good news is we can all work at improving our posture over time.

Science Care donors aid in research, development, and continuing medical advancements aimed at correcting a myriad of ill effects brought on by poor posture to improve the quality of life for those who may be suffering. 

Improving General Health and Longevity

Chronic back pain is the most recognizable and widespread effect of poor posture. Science Care donors provide medical professionals the opportunity to enhance their surgical skills in the performance of:

  • Removal of abnormal bone growths
  • Correction of slipped discs within the spine
  • Repair and fixation of vertebral fractures
  • Spinal fusions to correct spine curvature and scoliosis

Additionally, researchers are provided the opportunity to develop medical devices and more minimally invasive approaches intended to correct chronic pain in the spine. These efforts all result in increased patient mobility and the ability to lead a more active, fulfilling life. 

Chronic shoulder pain is also a result of poor posture, stemming from continual slouching or slumping of the shoulders. Over time, the soft anatomy of the shoulder becomes chronically inflamed or irritated, and the shoulder joint becomes impinged. Science Care donors aid in the development of medical devices intended to correct shoulder impingement and have afforded shoulder surgeons the opportunity to improve their competency and proficiency in the performance of various shoulder related surgical interventions.

Poor posture can also have a negative impact on the overall health of a patient’s circulatory system, which can lead to decreased blood flow, high blood pressure, occluded arteries, and various other heart and circulatory diseases.  

Science Care donors regularly contribute to advancements in the fight against heart and circulatory disease by:

  • Facilitating the performance of drug discovery research aimed at treating and preventing heart disease.
  • Enabling researchers to develop medical devices intended to clear and prevent occlusions of arteries, correct deficiencies within the heart, and to improve overall heart health. 
  • Providing cardiac surgeons, the opportunity to continue their medical education specific to advancing their knowledge of new, advanced, and innovative techniques and approaches utilized in the performance of heart and circulatory surgery.

The ‘Straight Up’ Truth

Through their selfless acts of donation, Science Care donors are producing a world in which patients experience shorter recovery periods, increased post-operative success, greater mobility, higher levels of energy, increased longevity, and a better quality of life! 

To keep up to date on how body donation to science has impacted other areas of medical research and education, visit our Medical Research Programs page.

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