EMTs & first responders receive critical training thanks to Science Care body donors

EMTs & first responders receive critical training thanks to Science Care body donors

The arrival of warm summer weather affords us all the opportunity to get outside, enjoy nature, see the sights, and make memories. 

As outdoor temperatures increase, so too does outdoor recreational activity. Exposure to unfamiliar surroundings and activities throughout the summer months tend to correlate to a sharp rise in the need for acute emergency medical care.

According to the CDC, roughly 25% of all emergency room visits in the United States are trauma-related.

Common summer activities which can lead to an unexpected need for acute emergency care and/or hospital visits include:

  • Bicycle, dirt bike, ATV, and scooter-related accidents
  • Swimming injuries and drownings
  • Burns caused by the sun, campfires, grills, and fireworks
  • Trips and falls resulting in injury
  • Automobile & motorcycle accidents (which, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, tend to be 30% more fatal in the summer months than in winter months)

In each of these situations, because seconds can mean the difference between life and death, it is imperative that first responders receive training. They must be able to render effective care in high stress environments — both at the scene of an accident, and while a patient is in transit to a care facility or hospital.

Emergency medical professionals include:

  • Air ambulance medical flight crews & flight paramedics
  • City and county emergency medical technicians (EMTs) & firefighter paramedics
  • Advance care and critical care paramedics
  • Nurses, nurse practitioners, and physicians assistants

Proper, immediate, and continuous care must be delivered by these professionals to improve injury survival rates and afford patients the best chance at returning to an active lifestyle once they recover.

Members of the Science Care donor community afford first responders the opportunity to improve skills and confidence in the performance of various life-saving procedures, including:

  • Needle decompression and thoracostomy (to deliver medications or remove excess fluid/air)
  • Escharotomy (burn management)
  • Intraosseous access (infusion of care rendering fluids or blood products)
  • Intubation & cricothyrotomy to allow for restoration of airway/breathing
  • Traumatic amputation treatment
  • Blood loss prevention

Remaining aware of our surroundings and the potential safety risks associated with recreational activities can aid in the prevention of emergency situations.

The below links offer tips intended to aid summer recreators in preparing for various summer activities to help ensure an enjoyable experience, and safe arrival home:

Enjoy your summer and stay safe!

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