Free Cremation in California

Free Cremation in California

Let's face it — cost is a factor when considering final arrangements. Between rising costs of living, health care costs, long term care expenses and reducing retirement savings, there are many folks in California that are considering cremation as a practical and lower cost option to traditional funerals with burial. The rate of cremation in the state is already over 50% and by 2020 the entire country is expected to exceed that rate.

With so many finding cremation to be a great option, we would like to get the word out that whole body donation for medical research and education is a truly life-affirming choice and includes cremation at no cost.

By donating to Science Care, each donor will help in the development of innovative treatments and surgical techniques to improve patient outcomes and increase quality of life for us all.

Check out these medical research stories to better understand the impact to patients and future generations.

Donors and families often provide feedback that explains how donation not only helps others but directly impacts the family at their time of greatest need. Quotes and ratings from actual donor families:

  • "Professional, respectful, ready to help and answer questions."
  • "Originally it was so others would gain knowledge from my husband's remains. He suffered from lung cancer and wanted people to move closer to a cure. Next was the zero cost. Honestly, we did not want the expense of an overpriced funeral or cremation. Thank you. But the respect, honor and understanding each person I dealt with was so comforting in this tragic time for me and my family. Thanks again."
  • "All matters were carried out very quickly and efficiently. There was not the stress of arranging a funeral, along with the expenses of a funeral. We did not believe in burial and wanted cremation so this was the perfect solution for us. Thank you."
  • "Ease of disposition of the deceased's body, zero cost of cremation."
  • "Lack of funds prompted us to look for an inexpensive cremation service. After speaking with two of your representatives and witnessing your company's professionalism, personal service, promptness, and something that seems to have been lost in this hectic day and age — actually doing what was promised and getting it done before it was promised to be done. Because of our experience, we have already recommended Science Care to several friends."

Keep in mind that our newest hands-on surgical training facility and donation center is right in the heart of southern California in Long Beach. So donors from California are transported directly to our facility there.

So those of you in the Golden State if you or a loved one are considering final arrangements and cremation is part of your plan, please first consider whole body donation including free cremation.  It is a tremendous gift of hope for the future and helps to alleviate some of the financial responsibilities of final disposition on the surviving family.

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