Hip fractures & chronic hip pain: Body donation to science is addressing them

Hip fractures & chronic hip pain: Body donation to science is addressing them

Each year in the United States, more than 300,000 people over the age of 65 are hospitalized for hip fractures, usually resulting from a patient losing their balance and falling to the ground.

Millions more suffer from debilitating pain brought on by degradation of the hip joint, which is caused by osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis, and several other diseases.

Fractures to and degradation of the hip joint have the effect of reducing quality of life for patients by restricting mobility and limiting every-day activities such as walking, sitting for extended periods, getting in and out of the car, driving, and navigating stairs. 

The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) website provides tips and suggestions meant to aid in the prevention of fractures of the hip. Some suggestions include:

  • Reviewing your specific risk factors with your physician
  • Taking part in strength and balance exercises
  • Periodically undergoing vision screening / taking steps to improve vision
  • Removing household trip hazards and installing safety devices to prevent falls

Science Care donors help with healing

Where fracture has occurred or disease has materialized, treatment of the hip joint is necessary to restore patient mobility and improve quality of life.

Members of our Donor Community are making vast contributions toward the advancement of medical science in this realm. These advancements have seen increased success rates following treatment, including improved mobility and longevity of patients receiving aid.

Science Care donors have assisted researchers in the development of new and innovative treatments and aid, including:

  • New medications and therapies meant to reduce the effects of diseases such as osteoporosis, osteoarthritis, and rheumatoid arthritis
  • Computerized software intended to produce hip implants specific to the anatomy of individual patients
  • Robot-guided surgical instrumentation designed to improve accuracy during surgery and allow for more complete healing with less post-operative down time
  • The production of longer lasting, better fitting hip implants which improve mobility and reduce the need for hip implant revision surgery

Additionally, Science Care donors afford medical professionals and surgeons the opportunity to:

  • Perform biomechanical studies intended to improve their knowledge of structure, motion and functionality of all anatomy associated with and impacted by the hip joint 
  • Develop and hone skills and/or become certified in the performance of new and improved surgical techniques 
  • Learn proper fixation procedures to ensure more complete healing post fracture

Restoring mobility & reducing chronic pain

Through their selfless desire to improve quality of life for current and future generations, Science Care donors are helping medical science to make strides toward giving the gift of restored mobility, activity, and independence to those afflicted with chronic hip pain and those who have suffered from hip fractures.

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