How Science Care donors aid in foot disease advancements

How Science Care donors aid in foot disease advancements

Staying active is an integral part of maintaining overall health. According to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC), being active can help reduce the risk of developing a myriad of diseases such as depression, anxiety, dementia, diabetes, heart disease, and even some forms of cancer. 

Studies have shown that:

  • As many as 23% of U.S. adults aged 18-65 and 36% of adults over the age of 65 present with slight to severe Hallux Valgus, commonly known as bunions.
  • 3% of U.S. residents have experienced the development of what is commonly referred to as “hammertoe”
  • 3% of the population worldwide suffers from Charcot Marie Tooth disease (CMT), a disorder which affects the functionality of peripheral nerves, predominantly in the lower extremities.

Abnormal bony growths and deformities which develop in the feet often result in severe, chronic, and debilitating pain. Improperly functioning peripheral nerves can cause loss of sensation and sporadic muscle contractions.

As these diseases progress, the pain, loss of sensation, and/or weakness which may be experienced can reduce a patient’s overall quality of life. They may experience frequent, sometimes traumatic, trips and falls, giving rise to acute limitations on mobility and physical activity. This can of course negatively affect a patient’s overall health and wellness. 

Signs and Symptoms of Foot Disease

They can include:

  • Chronically curled toes
  • Bulging at the outside of the base of the big toe
  • Swelling, redness, sores, callus, corns, or chronic pain at or around the toes
  • Weakness in the legs, ankles, and feet and/or loss of mass in the lower extremities
  • Loss of feeling or sensation on the legs or feet

For more information, see these resources on bunions, hammertoe, and CMT.

Science Care Donors are Aiding in Getting Patients Back on Their Feet

Members of our Donor Community continuously support efforts to correct and improve foot health by contributing to:

  • Education of medical students and residents at teaching hospitals and universities throughout the world with a specific focus on the central nervous system and the anatomy of the foot. 
  • Research into new, more effective means intended to stimulate improper nerve function and to correct deformities of the foot. 
  • Continuing education and training of podiatrists and surgeons on proper procedures and techniques to be utilized in the correction of foot deformities such as bunionectomies, tendon transfer or augmentation, and joint fusions.
  • Instruction of medical professionals in the proper implantation of nerve stimulators and medical devices intended to improve nerve functionality and correct the anatomy of the foot.  

Each of these undertakings are intended to improve overall patient quality of life by: 

  • Reducing or eliminating chronic pain 
  • Stimulating proper nerve function and returning sense of feeling to the patient’s extremities
  • Restoring patient mobility, thereby affording patients the opportunity for a more active lifestyle which can maintain and improve overall health and wellness. 

Our sincere thanks are extended to those members of Science Care’s Donor Community who contribute to advancements in medical science which are intended to afford each of us the opportunity to be more active and live longer, healthier lives. 

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