How we honor the heroes in hospice

How we honor the heroes in hospice

In recent years, the in-home care industry’s turnover rate has skyrocketed to 65.7 percent. One of the main reasons, according to a study from the Journal of Social Work in End-of-Life & Palliative Care, is hospice professionals are not receiving the emotional support they need to carry out their critical, yet exhausting work.

As the leader in whole body donation, Science Care is closely linked to the hospice industry, and sees firsthand the impact hospice organizations and professionals have on patients and their loved ones, not to mention the undeniable pressure and emotional burden experienced by those involved. As such, the company partners with hospice and healthcare networks across the country through its Hope Program to help terminally ill patients leave a lasting legacy through whole body donation.

Providing relief and peace of mind, the Hope Program offers no-cost pre-screening for patients in hospice care to know with certainty whether they meet current research criteria to donate their bodies prior to passing. As a result, the program not only provides peace of mind to the patient, but also to their family and healthcare provider that a plan is in place in the event of death.

By immediately stepping in after the time of passing, Science Care lends comfort to the family while also alleviating the duties of the hospice professionals, so they can focus entirely on helping the family heal during such an emotionally devastating time.

To demonstrate its deep appreciation for hospice care professionals Science Care has proudly launched its first-ever Hospice Heroes Awards Program, which honors hospice professionals throughout the U.S. for their unwavering commitment to their emotionally taxing and complex vocation. The merit-based awards program calls upon hospice organizations and the friends and family of those who have had a loved one in hospice care to nominate individuals deserving to be recognized for their tireless and honorable work.

For more information on how to nominate the Hospice Hero in your life, visit Hospice Heroes Awards - Thank you for all nominations. This Program Has Completed.

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