Meet Science Care: Bobbi Smrtka

Meet Science Care: Bobbi Smrtka

Founded in 2000, Science Care is the leading body donation authority in the world, and we set the industry standard that families have come to trust. We are proud of our commitment to the highest levels of safety and quality.

Our work wouldn’t be possible without the team that works tirelessly to ensure we honor donors’ desire to leave a lasting legacy. In this series, we will introduce you to our team so you can get to know the passion that drives us. 

Bobbi Smrtka was raised in Arizona and spent a lot of time on the Mogollon Rim with her grandparents. Her grandfather’s love of fishing was passed down to her, and he was never more frustrated than when Bobbi caught more fish than him. In an effort to limit his competition, he would tell Bobbi she had to clean everything she caught. Bobbi’s competitive streak runs deep, though, and she walked away with many a great catch and wonderful memories of vacationing with her grandparents. 

That love of nature remains today in Bobbi and her family’s love of camping (or glamping, as some of their friends often tease.) When they’re not camping, they spend a lot of time together in Northern Arizona. While her career is focused on numbers, Bobbi does dabble in decorative paint and mixed media art to relieve the stresses of life. 

Growing up, Bobbi was passionate about becoming a doctor until she took an accounting course in high school. For her, math was both fun and easy. She excelled at accounting, and her high school teacher, a professor at a local community college, would bring her college workbooks to complete because the high school lessons were too easy. This professor started her on the path toward her future career, encouraging her love for numbers. 

Currently, Bobbi serves as the Vice President and CFO for Science Care, overseeing all of our accounting, IT and HR. Bobbi is deeply motivated by the impact Science Care makes with donor families during the worst moment of their lives and the advancements our clients are able to make in the medical field to impact the quality of life for current and future generations. 

For Bobbi, the work we do at Science Care is personal. Her mother-in-law has had four hip replacements, the first of which were completed in the late 80’s and early 90’s. After each, she had to spend almost a week in the hospital recovering. Over time, both wore out and left large holes in her femurs, resulting in the need for additional replacement surgeries. The more recent operations were much less invasive, and her healing time was far less than the originals. 

“The advancements in medicine in my lifetime have been revolutionary in bringing us closer to understanding the complex mysteries of disease and medicine. I love working at an organization with a team passionate about making an impact on future medical advancements and being able to see the impact of those advancements on a national stage and within my own family.” – Bobbi Smrtka

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