Meet Science Care: Diane Eklund, MD

Meet Science Care: Diane Eklund, MD

Founded in 2000, Science Care is the leading body donation authority in the world, and we set the industry standard that families have come to trust. We are proud of our commitment to the highest levels of safety and quality.

Our work wouldn’t be possible without the team that works tirelessly to ensure we honor donors’ desire to leave a lasting legacy. In this series, we will introduce you to our team so you can get to know the passion that drives us. 

Dr. Diane Eklund was raised in Allentown, PA by a normal, blue-collar family. Her upbringing was modest, but full of opportunity. Activities were limited to her local area, so Dr. Eklund focused on studying and participating in musical organizations. 

After a season of exploring what she wanted to do with her life, Dr. Eklund moved to Tucson to begin her science and medicine career in college. She trained in both anatomic and clinical pathology, but after the death of her first husband to leukemia, Dr. Eklund discovered a love for transfusion and transplantation medicine.

Dr. Eklund is passionate about the donation process as well as the ultimate treatment of patients and has participated in many research projects over the years. A natural teacher, Dr. Eklund has given many lectures to medical students, grand rounds in hospitals, social clubs, and even grade schools. 

Currently, Dr. Eklund serves as the Non-Transplant Anatomic Medical Bank Director overseeing regulations for tissue banks. In her role, she maintains quality, reviews all of the medical-related procedures, and helps determine the best way to alter procedures as necessary. Any opportunity she gets, she loves to share her knowledge with others. 

“I deeply appreciate the comfort of working at Science Care, from the great people I work with to the scientific comfort of knowing this work so intimately. After I lost my second husband, my involvement in a worthwhile cause like Science Care keeps me grounded and provides me with something tangible I can contribute to the world.” – Dr. Diane Eklund

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