Meet Science Care: Dylan Kimzey

Meet Science Care: Dylan Kimzey

Founded in 2000, Science Care is the leading body donation authority in the world, and we set the industry standard that families have come to trust. We are proud of our commitment to the highest levels of safety and quality.

Our work would not be possible without the team that works tirelessly to ensure we honor donors’ desire to leave a lasting legacy. In this series, we will introduce you to our team so you can get to know the passion that drives us.

Dylan Kimzey, Science Care’s Director of Quality Assurance, was born and raised in Arizona. A self-proclaimed homebody, Dylan remembers getting the travel bug after graduating pre-med from Arizona State University. 

“I was applying to medical schools, but remembered seeing an ad for WorldTeach,” Dylan said. “They had immediate openings to teach sciences for a year at a secondary school in Guyana, and I was accepted. Two weeks later, I left for a third-world country.” 

While his mother was naturally worried, Dylan recalls the experience fondly. Before leaving for the trip, the Field Director of the program encouraged participants to bring “resilience and flexibility” with them for their time abroad. Dylan has carried that advice with him into all personal and professional spaces to this day.  

“While at a wedding in Nepal, I got sick two days into a two week long trip,” Dylan said. “After ten days in the hospital and twenty pounds lost, they realized my appendix had burst and removed it just in time.” 

That experience certainly reinforced his resilience and flexibility in all aspects of his life, including his career at Science Care. Dylan first joined the team in 2014 as an Assistant Lab technician in Arizona. Since then, he managed labs across the country before turning to quality assurance. 

“Quality has always been at the forefront of my mind, so the transition to Quality Assurance was seamless,” Dylan said. “I joined the AATB NADO (American Association of Tissue Banks Non-Transplant Anatomical Donation) Council in July of 2020 and have remained closely involved ever since.” 

Dylan currently serves as the Vice-Chair of the NADO Council assisting with the review and updating of the AATB NADO Standards to ensure they align with non-transplant tissue banking practices. 

With a family history of Parkinson’s Disease, Dylan is intimately aware of the impact of body donation on the medical research, education, training and development of new treatments. 

“My mother is currently battling Parkinson’s,” Dylan said. “She has two deep brain stimulators, one on each side, and without them I don’t know if she would still be with us today.”

In his current role at Science Care, Dylan supports the ongoing updates for all internal procedures, job aids, and forms to ensure they match what we say we do on a daily basis. His position also ensures that Science Care follows all local, state, and federal laws, as well as all AATB Standards.

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