Science Care donors enable advancements in drug discovery & delivery

Science Care donors enable advancements in drug discovery & delivery

Transdermal drug delivery systems are an important part of controlling various symptoms and afflictions for many men and women in the United States. Typically, when discussing medical patches, people think of nicotine patches, but the application and benefits of transdermal drug delivery systems are so much more wide-reaching.

Transdermal drug delivery systems are used to control and alleviate:

  • Chronic & acute pain (including neuropathic, muscle, & joint pain)
  • Dementia and Parkinson’s disease
  • Depression & Attention Deficit Disorder
  • Overactive bladder
  • Hormone inconsistencies & deficiencies 
  • Motion sickness & nausea
  • Hypertension & angina

Advantages of transdermal drug delivery systems

Almost as wide-ranging as the diseases and afflictions that transdermal drug delivery systems treat, are the advantages this form of drug delivery has over traditional means utilized to administer medications.

Having medication administered through a "patch," which adheres to the skin or other part of the body, rather than administered orally or through injection, affords patients:

  • More steady, prolonged delivery of medication into the bloodstream, providing longer lasting relief from symptoms
  • Reduction or elimination of the need to have medications administered by medical professionals, offering the patient convenience
  • Elimination of regimented schedules, and forgetting to take medication commonly associated with medications administered orally or through injection
  • Reduction in side effects experienced due to ingestion or injection of medication
  • Decreased opportunity to become dependent on medication which could lead to addiction or abuse of medication.

Science Care donors help further investigation into expansion of practical applications

The very first transdermal drug delivery system was approved for use in patients in 1979. In the four decades since the first "patch" was approved for use, pharmacologists and pharmaceutical companies have been exploring the various ways in which this relatively new technology can be utilized to aid in patient treatment and recovery. 

Members of the Science Care Donor Community play an integral role in this research.

To determine whether a medication might be effective following transdermal application, to determine proper dosages, and to explore and understand various other important factors throughout the development phase, researchers perform meticulous, multi-faceted studies relating to the permeability of the medication through the skin, its effectiveness, longevity, and potential side effects. 

Science Care Donors aid researchers in their quest to ensure that any new medication is both safe and effective for the end user before it is brought to market.

Lear more about how transdermal patches can help with pain management.

As we’ve mentioned in many of our blog posts, not smoking or quitting smoking is essential to living a longer healthier life. If you are thinking about quitting smoking, and considering nicotine patches to reach your goal, the CDC provides tips on using transdermal nicotine patches.

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