Talking about end of life issues and how to approach “the conversation”

Talking about end of life issues and how to approach “the conversation”

Once you have thought about and written down your personal end-of-life care wishes, what next? How exactly do you start a conversation with your loved ones?

These are excellent questions and we’ve tackled them in a short eBook about End of Life Care Planning. In it, you will find specific and helpful scenarios and tips to get started thinking about what you want should you become incapacitated. It will help you better understand what are “advanced directives” and how to document those.

You’ll also find a set of tools that will help you be proactive to take action this week to check this important item off your list!

And the biggest hurdle of all? How to handle the conversation with loved ones. Even with planning, it can go off the rails but this guide will help you create the best environment for productive dialogue that you can to ensure your voice is heard.

Just think about it — if you become ill, you will want your wishes known and followed. And your family will appreciate you for thinking in advance to help them make the right decisions. It gives everyone involved peace of mind.

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