The Science Care Difference

The Science Care Difference

Science Care is the first donate-your-body-to-science program accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB,) the organization that sets the ethical standards for the safety and use of donated tissue. Science Care links individuals who choose body donation to science with medical researchers and educators who work to improve quality of life for all of us.

To better understand who we are and what we do, it’s important to understand the difference between non-transplant and transplant body donation. 

Organ donation involves the donation of specific tissues or organs to a living individual. This practice exists to save or improve the lives of others after the donor has passed away.

Non-transplant anatomical donation organizations, or NADOS, recover human tissue not intended for transplant into a living patient. These donations help save countless lives through the support of medical research and education. Every donation to science has the ability to impact an immeasurable number of lives through advancements in surgical technology, as well as educating and training the medical professionals of tomorrow.

Typically, a registered organ donor can also donate their body to science. We recommend interested individuals register separately through each program and let their loved ones know about the wish to donate organs first and body second. Science Care works with local organ transplant organizations to ensure both types of donations are possible.

With a stronger understanding of the difference between non-transplant and transplant donation, it’s important to understand what sets Science Care apart from others. 

Science Care values independent, scientifically based, third-party accreditation by the AATB. This accreditation follows an intensive nine-month process, and establishes that the level and consistency of medical, technical and administrative performance meets or exceeds the standards set by the AATB. This process of regular, external, and internal auditing of all processes and systems helps shine a bright light on all of our operations to ensure we uphold the highest standards of dignity, quality, and safety.

Organizations (both transplant and non-transplant tissue banks) accredited by the AATB are recognized as the leaders in their field and as pivotal voices in the dialogue through which consensus-based, voluntary standards are developed and implemented. 

We do everything by the book, in fact, we helped write the book. As the industry leader, Science Care continues to help establish standards within our industry. Recently, Science Care participated in movements to mandate licensing and accreditation for non-transplant tissue banks in Arizona, Colorado, and Florida.

Our team at Science Care developed a stringent donor management system that tracks donors through the entire process, including through the cremation and return of remains to the designated loved one. We only work with licensed crematories that support this process.

We established a Memory in Nature program to honor the gift of donation to science and leave the world a better place for future generations. Science Care works with the National Forest Foundation to plant tree saplings national forests throughout the country. This reforestation helps to preserve public land and provide food and habitat for wildlife. We are proud to help the earth and humanity heal through life-affirming action.

We know body donation can be a sensationalized topic and we believe it is best to make an informed decision about your end-of-life choices. To jumpstart your self-education, Science Care provides an end-of-life options comparison guide to help summarize the differences between the most common options. 

At Science Care, we provide donors and their loved ones the ability to leave a lasting legacy. We know we have one opportunity to honor a donor’s wishes, and we take that responsibility very seriously.

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