Tools and resources that help seniors reduce loneliness and isolation

Tools and resources that help seniors reduce loneliness and isolation

Senior Care professionals know that feeling lonely gravely affects an adult’s health and welfare. The U.S. Census data in 2010 showed that 28% of people aged 65 and older lived alone. Another study by AARP reported that baby boomers have fewer children or none at all when compared to other generations. Two factors that gravely affect these feelings are immobility and lack of transportation. Both add pressure to stay close to home. So, if one has no access to social activities, they will isolate.

A Case Western Reserve University study shows that Internet adoption encourages the emotional health of seniors (2013). The scientists gave 25 assisted living residents a digital tablet and Internet training. After three months of usage, the individuals reported an upsurge in life asked senior care thought leaders to give a primary resource to help relieve the isolation issue.

Local centers and groups

  • Senior centers offer a range of activities, exercise classes, and events at reasonable costs.
  • Meetup Groups are a fun way to meet new people, and interact with others who share common interests. Meetups help all ages to make new friends and overcome loneliness and depression.


  • Become a volunteer
  • Foster a grandchild

Become a Mentor

Teach technology classes or help students with homework. The activity builds strong ties. Online relationships are dynamic and can expand into interesting conversations.

Health-Related Activities

  • Check out the American Diabetes Association for adults living with the disease. It provides education and resources as well as a chat ability, social networking, and links to local groups and activities that engage individuals.
  • Meditation and mindfulness: Research from UCLA suggests a short 8-week program of meditation focusing on mindfulness (attention to the present) can reduce feelings of loneliness and might even stoke an anti-inflammatory response in the body.

Carol Marak is a contributor for the senior living and healthcare market.

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