We do everything by the book. In fact, we helped write the book.

We do everything by the book. In fact, we helped write the book.

Body donation to science is a vitally important part of today’s society. Without body donors, we would not have many of the medical advancements that we are now seeing occur on an almost daily basis. Body donation is a critical part of medical research and surgeon training and is the fastest growing segment of the three final arrangement options.

As the leader in this industry, it is important for Science Care to uphold certain standards, standards that we helped to create. Science Care was the first whole body donation organization to be accredited by the American Association of Tissue Banks (AATB) and we work meticulously on a daily basis to abide by the strict safety protocols and regulations required by the AATB for all tissue banks. We meet or exceed all OSHA standards, including a hazardous communication plan and stringent training including extensive policies and procedures to ensure compliance and safety.

We’ve also helped to develop government legislation to ensure that representatives of this industry operate by the book. In addition, the care that we take in this process when working with donor families at the time of passing is equally important to us. In fact, we get more referrals from friends and family than from any other source.As the leader in the industry, we also take great pride in our social responsibility and environmental stewardship efforts.

Each year, we make an investment with the National Forest Foundation to replant trees in National Forests throughout the U.S. on behalf of each one of our donors and clients. We also focus on the use of recycled materials in our printed materials and packaging. Doing the right things right is how we operate.At Science Care, we take our role as industry leader very seriously. We know that being the leader comes with great responsibility to not only follow industry standards, but to set new ones as well.


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