Aaron Rebarchik
My dear Aaron was a very generous, fun loving fellow. He enjoyed helping people. When he was a kid he would come to the facility where I worked and helped me bring patients to and from the gym for therapy while creating stories to tell them during their travels with him. Lots of the geriatric people always asked for him so they could hear his stories. It brightened their days while they were recovering. When he grew up he worked at Walmart and helped a co-worker of mine who put together backpacks for underprivileged kids to have school supplies and used his employee discount so that they could help more kids as well as helped them maximize the supplies they got. They helped 100 kids where without his help they could only do 75 kids helped. He had a huge heart. I am super glad that even though he left us too soon he was able to donate both corneas and his body to science care. Hopefully his sacrifice will prevent at least 1 momma from having to loose her child to Autoimmune Hepatitis. He never wanted to marry or have kids so that no one would hurt like he did. He was a good man. I will always love him!
Friends & Family
Melissa Haney, Bucky Haney, Ben Haney, Ariel Connor, Dawn Connor