Arlarene Crider
In Loving Memory of Artie (Arlarene) Crider, November 1937 to May 2018Artie Crider lived in Coal Creek Canyon in the Colorado mountains with her husband Chuck and family for 42 years. Artie is survived by her husband Chuck Crider, grandson Ronnie Crider and his wife Teresa, and great granddaughter Karina. Artie and Chuck’s family includes daughter Suzette Bartlett and her husband Alan of Meadview, AZ, and daughter Lynn Wood of Westminster, CO and her sons Andrew and Brandon Wood.Artie’s family wants to truly thank all of the Coal Creek Canyon 911 responders who came to their house so many times. She is greatly missed by her family and friends who have posted wonderful memories of her below.From Artie’s family: “We want to say how much fun she was and what a great mom she was to everybody. We Miss and Love You more than you could ever know.” “Arlerene”, She was most truly, the love of his life. for they were just teens, when she because his wife. Some joyful years went by, and her little family grew, by giving life to three, before they were through. Always a cheerful person, and to all she was known, by that twinkle in her eyes, and a laugh all her own. She made our lives richer, and will be missed every day. there will be no other like her, to ever come our way. – Bob Crider. A sad brother-in-law, I hope she knew that Opal and I loved her very much. It’s times like this when you realize that sometimes we take things for granted when we should have took the time to make sure they know. We love all you guys and I’ll see y’all later to make sure y’all know. – Bob My Dear Rene. There isn’t much left unspoken between the two of us. All of the hours spent together when you were hospitalized will always be precious to me. The conversations consisted of tears, laughter, hugs and reminiscing about the good old days were the best. We both definitely agreed they were our favorites! The stories of you, Mom and Aunt Marvey were hysterical. I hadn’t heard them in 23 years, since the others have already passed, and I really missed them. The good old memories without a doubt! We shared so many touching moments that I will carry to my grave. I am happy that you have joined all the others that we have lost over the years. You had mentioned missing all of them so much and were excited.at the thought of rejoining them again. In my own selfishness, I will miss you immensely. Someday, I will meet up with all of you again and let the party begin!!!! Until then, all of my love and hugs forever. Monica Meingast With great pleasure I would like to say a few things about my Good Friend” Artie Crider. I have known Artie for about 45 years. She and her family moved next door to us in Lakewood, CO. We started to talk over the fence and a very short time later we took the fence down and built a gate. One of the funniest things is that Artie & I were always on a diet – she came over to my house, we would go down stairs, take out our floor mats and do sit ups – I think we did about five of them and I went upstairs got a few beers and we drank, gossiped for the rest of the night. We were still over weight but we had a great time, I loved that lady. We told each other our deepest secrets and cried together at times.I still have a beautiful framed needle point that referred to “special friends” that she made for me. Artie had a huge heart and always helping someone out and she was a magnet for kids, always taking care of them. She left Lakewood to live in her “round house” that Charlie built for her but every time we talked or got to see each other it was like we just spoke the day before. There are so many memories and I will miss her very much. I will miss saying I love you and she would say, me to. – Valentina Kominek “LAUGHTER is timeless. IMAGINATION has no age and, DREAMS are forever.” We love you and are going to miss you – love Chris, Christy, and Noah Our time on earth is merely borrowed from a being that’s greater than all of us. Despite the little time spent together, mom left a mark on my life through her kindness and welcoming spirit. My memories of her are of hard candies, kittens, and a love for us all. My prayers and thoughts are with the family. Mom you will be truly missed, love you. From the kids in Meadview, Arizona, who looked up to her like a mom – Sherri and Billy I am so happy blessed and thankful I got to know a wonderful kind and funny lady and now there is a huge place in my heart where you sit. If I could have been given a 2nd mom, it would have been you. You will always be loved and missed. – Rhonda McCammack Want to thank her for being such a great neighbor for over 30 years. And all the fun they had when the house was being built, even when it was just to go get more wood. Or all the great dinners they all had. Great times together and she will be very missed. – Joy and Ron Poucher Artie and her wonderful family have been our neighbors for eleven years. We love them all very dearly. Our hearts are with you ~ Barb & Leonard David This was on a card Artie carried in her wallet: “May God grant you always... A sunbeam to warm you, a moonbeam to charm you, a sheltering Angel so nothing can harm you. Laughter to cheer you. Faithful friends near you. And whenever you pray, Heaven to hear you.” – An Irish Blessing
Friends & Family
Husband – Chuck Crider, Daughter – Suzette Bartlett & husband Alan, Grandson – Ronnie Crider & wife Teresa, Granddaughter – Karina, Daughter – Lynn Wood, Grandsons – Andrew & Brandon, Brother-in-law – Bob Crider & Opal, Monica Meingast, Valentina Kominek, Chris, Christy, and Noah, The kids in Meadview, Arizona, Sherri and Billy, Rhonda McCammack, Joy and Ron Poucher, Barb & Leonard David, The Coal Creek Canyon 911 Responders