Barbara Tomlinson
Barbara was born in Washington state and met a boy in the Navy when she was 18. After 3 short days, they decided to marry. Barb left behind a sister (Lila) who was older and her parents Lila and Leroy Rader (now passed) she moved to Iowa had 3 children, divorced, and remarried for 30 years to Kai Tomlinson (passed 2020) Barb recently was diagnosed with stage 4 cancer (tumor upper chest cavity) the doctor told her it was stage 4 lung cancer so we traveled to a specialist. The specialist told us it was not lung cancer but that it was a very aggressive cancer that could possibly be shrunk but not removed, Barb lived with her youngest daughter Megan (me) husband Chad, and granddaughter Molly (now 17)and chose to spend the rest of her days happy and not I’ll from treatments. My mom Barb always lived in pain most of her life. She said she had fibromyalgia, a 5-way bypass in her heart, and then cancer. She had COPD from smoking. She had a passion for fishing, thrift store shopping, and many crafts.
Friends & Family
Megan Gallaher (husband, Chad's granddaughter Molly;) Patrick Kelly, Son (two kids: Sidney and Jan (Jonathon;) Charlotte Christo (three kids: Samantha (3 children) Steven and stepson Tyler (3 children;) Her sister Lila Mae (3 children (several grandchildren;) Her best friend, Janet