Bashir Ghannudi
Bashir Ghannudi as in life, has donated his body to help society. He did it to help others gain knowledge to help heal others. His personality was of the highest quality and did his best to help others. He will be remembered by loved ones and friends for the wisdom and laughter he shared. He was a hard worker and took pride in all that he did. God truly blessed those that knew him and had the opportunity to be a part of his life. Bashir will truly be missed and never forgotten. Bashir Ghannudi as in life, has donated his body to help society. He did it to help others to gain knowledge to help heal others. His personality was of the highest quality and did his best to help others. He will be remembered by loved one and friends for the wisdom and laughter he shared. He was a hard worker and took pride in all that he did. God truly blessed those who knew him and had the opportunity to be a part of his life. Bashir will truly be missed and never forgotten.
Friends & Family
Noreen Evelyn Ghannudi, his wife, Sirage Ghannudi (son), Sofian Ghannudi (son), Sana Ghannudi (daughter), Sata Ghannudi (son), Samer Ghannudi (son), Sahar Ghannudi (daughter)