Charles Crider
Chuck went to join his wife Artie of 66 years, his daughter, son and brother in October. He and his wife Artie and their family lived in Coal Creek Canyon in the Rocky Mountains near Golden, Colorado for over 43 years. Chuck worked in the canyon doing jobs for anyone that needed him. He lived in the canyon with his grandson Ron who was his caretaker for his last two years, along with Ron’s wife Teresa and great granddaughter Karina Crider. Chuck is survived by his daughter Suzette Bartlett and husband Alan of Meadview, AZ; grandson Ron Crider, his wife Teresa and great granddaughter Karina of Coal Creek Canyon near Golden, CO; grandsons Andrew and Brandon Wood of Denver; great grandson Riley Rex Wood of Coal Creek Canyon; his sister Rose Harris of Colorado; granddaughters Chrissy and her family, Chris and Noah Heil, and Beth & her family, Ben & Vaughn Roberts of Arkansas; great granddaughters Maryann and Macey Ritting; and three step brothers Monte & his family, Bobby Wayne, Opal & their family, and Mike & Dorothy. Chuck and Artie’s daughter Lynn Wood of Westminster, CO also passed away recently. (The photo is of Chuck, wife Artie and their daughter Lynn.) Chuck and Artie's family wants to truly thank all of the Coal Creek Canyon 911 responders who came to their house so many times. They hope you will never have to go there again. Chuck and Artie both contributed their bodies to science and medical research through this Science Care donor program. From grandson Ron Crider and his wife Teresa who have lived in Coal Creek Canyon for decades: He was the kindest and warmest person we’ve ever known. He was like a father to us. Chuck loved the holidays and we are going all out to decorate in his memory. We love and miss him so much! From daughter Suzette Bartlett and husband Al: He was the Best Daddy, Grandfather, Great Grandfather, Uncle, Brother and friend anyone could ever find. He loved to laugh and lived to make people happy and smile. I will LOVE & MISS HIM THE REST OF MY LIFE. R.I.P. THANK YOU UNCLE BOBBY WAYNE for being there for him his last few hours. I also want to say Thank You to my parents for contributing their bodies to Science Care for medical research. I wish more people would participate. Maybe you could keep you and yours together longer. Our LOVE WILL GO ON FOREVER… - Granddaughter Chrissy & family from Arkansas He was a loving grandpa and she a loving grandma. - Granddaughter Beth & family of Arkansas Thank you, Chuck, for taking me in when I was young and trying to keep me out of trouble... Oh yeah, and thanks for scaring the crap out of me on the trip to Kremmling, Colorado via Berthoud Pass in a snow storm! - From step-brother Monte from Arkansas Very good friends and lots of fun times. He always had great things to say. Chuck and I always toasted drinks while the girls toasted their beers. Still have my bottle of whiskey waiting for when we meet up again. - Bud & Jenne Gaddis of Denver I would like to say a few things about a very good man, Charles Crider. We have known Chuck for 46 years as a great person and neighbor. Chuck was a wonderful guy, great father and husband. He and Artie were so much in love. Chuck would do ANYTHING for Artie. Our families grew close in a very short time. My husband Bob and Chuck loved to drink their beer. We used to gamble together, eat together and party. Chuck made the best cat fish ever and always shared what he caught with us. Chuck also had a very kind voice and would help anyone that needed help in any way. People like Chuck and Artie are always going to be missed - they loved us and we loved them. - Valentina Kominek of Lakewood, CO Dear Loved Ones – I am saddened by Charlie’s death, but I know he’s with Artie, Bob, Linda & Grandma Rita right now. What a reunion they must have had! Charlie & Artie were always kind to me – they were great people & neither of them had a mean bone in their bodies. Bob & I had good times with them. Ronnie, I was so impressed with the love & caring you showed to Charlie at Bob’s funeral. I am glad that he was in your care during his final years. Our family is poor in communication skills & I just recently heard of Linda’s death via Opal. Linda was such a beautiful person & I’m sorry she had to suffer like she did. God bless each of you! - With Love, Judith Crider (Chuck’s sister-in-law from Cañon City, CO) Chuck was such a great neighbor and we had good times together cutting wood and going out to dinner. We are going to miss him. When we go gambling, we will miss him going with us like he used to. Chuck, you are with Artie and your son and daughter now. - From neighbors Ron & Joy Poucher We enjoyed Chuck and his love of animals and the mountains. He used to take care of our horse Dillon when we were away - and Dillon loved him too! - From neighbors Brian & Julie Stephens Chuck and his family are some of our most favorite people in the world. They welcomed us into the CCC neighborhood twelve years ago and Chuck and his grandson Ron have helped us in so many ways over the years. We truly miss Chuck and Artie! - From neighbors Barb & Leonard David
Friends & Family
Wife – Arlarene "Artie" Crider (please see Artie's Science Care memorial page); Daughter – Suzette Bartlett & husband Al; Grandson – Ron Crider & wife Teresa; Great Granddaughter – Karina; Daughter – Lynn Wood; Grandsons – Andrew & Brandon; Great Grandson – Riley Rex Wood; Sister – Rose Harris; Sister-in-law - Judith Crider; Brother-in-law – Bob Crider & Opal; Step brothers – Monte & his family, Bobby Wayne, Opal & their family, and Mike & Dorothy; Granddaughter - Chrissy & her family - Chris and Noah Heil; Granddaughter - Beth & her family - Ben & Vaughn Roberts; Great granddaughters – Maryann and Macey Ritting; Rhonda McCammack; Monica Meingast; Bud & Jenne Gaddis; Valentina Kominek; Joy and Ron Poucher; Brian & Julie Stephens; Barbara & Leonard David; The Coal Creek Canyon 911 Responders