Daniel Banta

December 1958
November 2022


I am Leslie and Daniel was my younger brother . I will miss you Daniel more than you could possibly ever know . We became so close these last several years since our Mother passed. I promised her to look after you and make sure you were taken care of. You had a hard life and I hope you are at peace now. I am so glad that I was able to be there for you and care for you. You made me happy, you made me laugh , you made me cry. My heart aches that you are gone. Daniel you loved your TV shows and talking about them , it drove me crazy (chuckle). Your care takers and nurses and everyone that helped take care of you loved you as well. They always took you under there wings. I was able to see all the good that you had in you. You had a good heart . I thank God for the time we had together. You always said I acted like and sounded like Mom and I did because it was my way of taking care of you. Be at peace little brother, you will always have a very special place in my heart . Love your Sis Leslie Ann

Friends & Family

Survived by Tina Sorak (Eldest daughter), DJ Bants (son) , Tonie Duncan (youngest daughter) , His Grandchildren & Great Grandchildren

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