Fred Jappe
My father, Fred Jappe, was a seeker and a lover of truth. His personal library covered all the walls of a medium sized room. He had two Master's degrees. He read constantly, both books and periodicals. He enjoyed reading about politics and history, but loved especially anything of a scientific nature. But he was also a lover of God, and felt that truth was found both in the nature of the universe and in the revelation of God's Word in the Bible. He was a loyal and devoted husband, and a wonderful father. He earned his living as a teacher, first in high school and then in community college.
Friends & Family
Wife: Catherine (Kay) Jappe, Daughter: Claudia Kay Jappe-Gomez, (Missionary and Author Historical Panorama of the Bible in Spanish), Son: (Federick) Mark Jappe, (Pastor and author Bragging on God), Laura Marlene Jappe, (Teacher with studies in linguistics)