Gary Czerwinski
Gary Bernard Czerwinski - a former longtime resident of Benicia, California - passed away unexpectedly on March the third, 2023, after a brief illness in Phoenix, Arizona where he and his wife Elizabeth d'Huart moved after their marriage in 2021. Gary was a man of many talents and many interests, including history, psychology, religion, and philosophy. Elizabeth asks that we share the comforting words of just one of his favorite writers, Rumi - a thirteenth-century Sufi poet: "This place is a dream. Only a sleeper considers it real. Then death comes like dawn, and you wake up laughing at what you thought was your grief". Gary was not afraid of dying, and he considered the decision to donate his body for scientific research the best expression of his vision and values. He was a much-loved companion whose conviviality and lively conversation will be sorely missed by his regular tableside admirers, who will also remember his great love of music, his dancing skills, and his powerhouse knowledge of current affairs and sports statistics. A unique individual with a long list of career accomplishments in the transportation and telecom industries, Gary enjoyed the opportunity to employ the fruits of his BA in Psychology from the University of CA, Davis, in a variety of moves that took him from Chicago to Detroit to Colorado and many other stateside locations as well as Japan and India. He leaves behind an enormous group of brokenhearted family members, neighbors, colleagues, and comrades, all of whom are invited to share their memories and messages on this legacy memorial page.