Gary Tincher
My Dad. It seems so surreal to me that when I walk in the back door, I won't be able to say Good Morning Dad. But you know what I still do. Dad, you were fun-loving, hardworking, and witty. You were a simple man of sorts. Coming home from a long day to you're one true love was really all you required. You were a good provider. I think you held on as long as you did because you didn't want to leave Mom. And she vowed to never leave you, and she never did. You had wonderful adventures together. Florida trips, camping, and the Smoky Mountains for Anniversaries. You were a big country music fan. I'll never forget on one Tennessee trip, you purchased lots of Bluegrass tapes. And we were at your mercy to listen to them all the way back to Indiana LOL. You loved you're children as we loved you. You loved your Grandchildren dearly. And got to meet you're first Great Grandchild. They took your passing hard. You were always a constant in their lives. They're young, and they thought they had more time. Dad, I promise to take care of Mom to the best of my ability. She always told you she'd be right behind you. But I'm a little selfish Dad, I hope she waits a bit. She misses you. It was 60+ good years. But life on this earth is merely a blink. I'll see you in the next blink Dad. Thank you for being my Dad. Kimmie
Friends & Family
Doloris Tincher, Keven Tincher, Kayln Tincher, Kaden Tincher and Liam