George Mathiason

December 1964
April 2022


To my Loving husband, my best friend, George. Tenderness best describes you my love.  George was a bartender by trade years of enjoyment to the fullest . He was a magnet everyone was eager to see him on his work shift, and made many friends and memories. He created chili contests, pot luck Sunday's, and much more. Annually George and his group of buddies got together for camping trips. George is known for his cooking, making peach cobbler at campfires, and much more . He's remembered for his homemade apple pies and chicken noodle soup, and made his own pasta. He got involved with my different jobs. Working the homeless shelter with children he found ways to get tickets for free activities for kids to enjoy from carnivals, waterparks etc. This led us to fostering children for 12 years. It was wonderful and so easy to be involved with him.  His tenderness was effortless to rock a newborn to sleep or take a toddler to a local park.  George never had a biological child, we adopted two . A brother and sister at ages newborn and 14month old. They are now 17 and 18. Our daughter Angel was very, bonded with her dad George, spending time together in the kitchen was his passion he shared with her. Our son misses the good Ole days fishing, bowling,swimming etc. before George's illness began to progress.  He created memories by us taking the same vacation every yearr, same hotel near the beach when they were tots till one day our young son said we're here dad turn here.He was a romantic, tender, loyal, peaceful, and gracious . 29 years with George and I wanted more, he wanted more.  He wanted so much to live, he had hopes that the right doctor could help him get stronger, even just a little bit. He loved life . He always wondered what went wrong. Why this disease, how did he get it? He was diagnosed with CREST, we had learned about Raynaud Disease after him losing 3 fingers and a bartender job he truly lived and missed.  He had to stop working because he couldn't count money as required for patrons. He didn't want to donate just an organ, he wanted to donate his  whole body in hopes someone could figure out his collapsed veins, sickened body always getting infections, always in and out of ER and ICU for years, horrendous agonizing pain day after day. He rarely complained until the end. I have never seen such a gentle soul trying so hard to live, afraid to go to a hospital, and afraid he wouldn't return . His hope by donating his Tender body is to learn more of why and how this disease happens. His legacy will live on as a gentle loving man . God says a patient man is a perfect man. George is a perfect man . All my love till we meet again I miss you. Your wife Mary

Friends & Family

Mary Mathiason-Wife, Angel Mathiason-Daughter, Andrew Mathiason- Son, Sandi Peterson-Sister, Larry Peterson, Jennifer Peterson, Amanda Peterson, Eric Peterson, Heather and Joseph Neumann, Joey Neumann - Grandson, Nicolaus Neumann - Grandson, Victoria Neumann -Granddaughter, Carole and Phil Wentling, Milo George's Pup Loving Buddy

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