Hans William Beier
Hans William Beier, aged 94, passed away on June 8th, 2024, after a short battle with Alzheimer’s. He was born in Breslau, Germany to William and Lotte Beier. After training to become a mechanic, he immigrated to Chicago, Illinois in 1954. He went on to serve in the U.S. Army, with an honorable discharge in 1957. He then met his wife of 66 years, Antonia. They married on May 9th, 1958 in Chicago, Illinois at St. Alphonsus Catholic Church. Hans enjoyed a long career in the auto industry, which also extended into his personal life. He loved to purchase used sporty cars and then fix them up in his spare time He also loved soccer and travelling. He and his wife Antonia visited almost every continent, mostly on cruises with their group of travel friends. In his later years, he enjoyed spending time with his two grandchildren who gave him endless entertainment and love. Hans is survived by his only daughter Rita, son-in-law Louis, and grandchildren Samantha and Henry. His decision to donate his body to science for research is applauded by his surviving family members. Private memorial service will be held after ashes are returned to family.