Heidi Chobot
Heidi grew up in the small town of Washington NH, attended a 2-room schoolhouse, and graduated from Hillsborough - Deering high school in 1983. She proceeded to study cosmetology and moved to Nashua NH for work. Heidi moved to NC. In 1991. Heidi and Chuck were married in 1997 and moved to PA in 2000 where they have lived since. Heidi worked at Camp Speers-Eljabar YMCA and was often known to feed college-aged staff for the holidays if they weren't going home. If you had any interaction with Heidi out in the world, you'd likely remember it. If you had a second one, you would have made a new friend. Even throughout her over 10 1/2-year battle with cancer, Heidi has always put others first. If you already knew Heidi you can attest to the fact that while she had so many wonderful qualities, the top among them for sure had to be her ability to make everyone feel welcome, comfortable and at ease, and truly included in whatever was going on. She gave joy, love, kindness, hope, and optimism in the face of so much adversity and often did it with a big smile and a dose of laughter. If you know Heidi as a friend, well then you were family. Heidi has always found ways, consistently throughout her life, to pay her blessings forward to others. Her relationship and trust in Jesus definitely gave her strength and hope through her trials. Heidi has donated herself to science for research to help others with their cancer journey. A Celebration of Life for Heidi will be held at a time TBT in Pennsylvania and her final resting place will be in Washington, NH.
Friends & Family
Heidi is survived by her mother Gwendolyn Gaskell of New Hampshire 2 brothers Don Gaskell from Kentucky and his wife Sheryl their son Tim and wife Whitney, Lawrence Gaskell from New Hampshire wife Barbara their 2 children James Gaskell and Meg Gaskell her husband Charles Chobot from Milford PA. Their 3 Children, son Charles Chobot from New Jersey, daughter Tabitha Hrobuchak from North Carolina her husband John, and their two children Lj and Stella, son Peter Pekkala from North Carolina his wife Olivia. Heidi is preceded in death by her father James Gaskell of New Hampshire and nephew Andrew Gaskell from Kentucky.