Janet Flynn

September 1936
July 2023


Janet Lucy Flynn (nee Michaelson) was born September 14, 1936, in Toledo, Ohio, to Molly and AJ Michaelson. She died after a brief illness in Denver, Colorado, where she lived for the last 20 years near 4 of her 5 children, on July 4, 2023. Survived by her siblings Rhea, Anne, Mary, and Dave, she was predeceased by her siblings Donna, Helen, Jim and Rita, and her niece Kim. After arriving at St. Louis University with a steamer trunk and $500, she worked her way through college as a grocery store cashier and swim instructor, earning her Bachelor of Arts degree. She married Daniel J. Flynn in 1958 and had five children, Dan, Molly, Cathy, Colene, and Mike. After divorcing in 1985, she obtained a master's degree in social work from Loyola University of Chicago. Janet prided herself on her career and especially loved working with preschool children at Head Start. Known for her wit, her strong will, her resilience, and her intelligence, Janet will always be greatly missed by her family, including nine grandchildren (and a new one on the way).

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