Robert Kiser
Even though Robert Kiser was born in Canadian, Texas on April 8, 1936, he spent most of his life in Nipinnawasee, CA., Which is now part of Ahwahnee, CA. Both of these towns are very small and located just a bit south of the entrance to Yosemite National Park. Bob’s mom and pop, Bob and Beulah Kiser, raised their 7 children in a tent. They did not have electricity, indoor plumbing, or running water. Bob, being the eldest son, learned to drive at a very young age because he was responsible for getting the needed water from a spring that was some distance away. When evening fell, at the Kiser tent, the lamps were lit. Bob has fond memories of his growing-up years. He was one of the smartest people I have ever met and he was a genius mechanic. When he was about 12 years of age, a salesman was driving his new Oldsmobile with the first automatic transmission through Ahwahnee when the transmission went out. Bob’s pop had a repair shop there, but he did not take the job. The town drunk saw what was happening and he said “Get the kid, get the kid”. Then he bet the salesman a case of beer that Bob could fix it….and Bob did. Bob was the 27th employee hired by Sierra Telephone Company. He was responsible for maintaining all the equipment, from small cars to huge tractors and anything else that needed repairs. If he could not get a part, he would just machine what he needed. He was truly a self-made, self-sufficient mountain man. He will be missed by so many, especially those who used him to keep their old cars running, his friends and family, and especially me, the one who was fortunate enough to be his wife, E Joy Kiser
Friends & Family
Bob was preceded in death by his sister, Ina Mae Mueller Puckett of Coarsegold CA, his brothers, Jim Kiser of Clovis CA, Albert Kiser of Coarsegold, CA. He is survived by his older sister, Beulah (Sis) Kiser Thornton and his youngest sister, Jane Kiser Bowen, both of Coarsegold, and a younger brother Claude Kiser of Fresno, Ca. His children also survive him. Bret Kiser and Dustin Ginter of Ahwahnee and his daughter, Natasha Ginter Borton of Elk Grove, CA. He has 3 grandchildren. Michael, Morgan, and Emily. Bob loved his dogs. I think Chichi was his favorite, but she preceded him in death by a week. She is the one in the picture with Bob. If you would like to do something in Bob’s name, donations to the Parkinson’s foundation are what he would want.