Ruth Long
My sister, Ruth Long, was 9 years older than me. Ruth was the 2nd oldest sibling and I was the baby of 6 kids. Ruth helped take care of me when I was little. She was a perfect role model and my idol growing up. She was petite, beautiful, and had it all together!! She loved the Lord and played her clarinet at church. Her dresser drawers were always neat and she had fragrant sachet in her drawers. She worked in the office for a prestigious western wear store in Scottsdale, AZ, and was treated like a daughter by the owners, Joe and Patty Porter. When they went on vacation, they left Ruth alone in charge of the office and gave her the key to their house to water their plants. One summer, she let me go to the office with her for a couple of weeks when she was alone and I loved the time with her!! She gave a worker from the factory a ride every day and they laughed the whole way to work and back home again. She loved to laugh!! She would let me and our brother, Sam, wash her car and she'd pay us for it. She also got permission to let us help assemble bolo ties at home to earn some money. We enjoyed doing it and certainly enjoyed getting paid. As she aged, she remained steadfast in her love for the Lord and would frequently say "It is well with my soul." That radiated peace and love to me!! We were very close and could tell each other anything without condemnation or judgment. I treasured my precious sister and miss her very much!! - Judy Kinnaman