Scott J. Odell
Scott J. Odell became ill in February and a short 6 months later he was lost to us, but his suffering ended. He was a Husband, Father, Grandfather, Brother, a son who loved his parents to the end of their lives. He shared many memories of his beloved Oma, Opa, and Grandma Odell. Scott was a fisherman from the time of his youth, and he was most comfortable in the great outdoors, with a deep respect for wildlife. He was able to repair anything in one way or another. Scott was able to donate his corneas to others at his passing and was privileged to donate his body to help others in the future. My husband, my love, our second time around with marriage and we learned how to love again. Our life was filled with more ups than downs and my memories will continue to burn bright. You had a way of endearing yourself to people, and so many are sad. Your light may have dimmed in this world, but its glow will forever illuminate our memories. It was a life taken too soon. Many words were not yet spoken, and love was not said enough, but love will continue until my last breath. Scott, my youngest brother, who was 4 years older than I, was my best friend as a kid. We lived in rural NY with the closest neighbor kids miles away. Together we enjoyed playing with Hot Wheels, riding bikes, roller skating in the basement, playing Cowboys and Indians, listening to 45 records, playing board games, and exploring the stream behind our house. Our Oma and Opa lived next door, and we spent days wandering around their old farm and fields. Sleepovers were a treat for us with plenty of candy. Our move to Florida in 1971 brought us closer together. We were new to the schools we attended and again not many kids around our age in our neighborhood. We lived on a canal enjoying the outdoors- fishing, boating, swimming, and exploring the salt marsh and the flats beyond. Words to describe my brother, Scott would be sweet, kind, funny, salt of the earth, and faithful. My heart is filled with love for you.