Shirley Roosen
My mother and father came here as immigrants. My dad worked really hard, so my mother didn’t have to. When my dad lost his job, my mother had to start working and even though she had a hard time speaking English she worked hard to take care of her five girls. She got a job at Hughes Aircraft And worked until her retirement. She struggled with speaking English but would make a joke out of some of the words that she had a hard time pronouncing. She loved each of her girls in a different way, she will be greatly missed. She loved my dad so much and when he passed, she started deteriorating. She loved the Lord and when she opened her eyes again I know that she will be able to come face-to-face with Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Rest in peace, my dear, sweet mother we will all be OK.
Friends & Family
Mari Roosen, Monica Charpentier, Edith Johnson, Laura Morneweg