Terry Wraight
Terry Jean Wraight born July 21, 1948, to Duane and Dorothy Creger of Tecumseh, Michigan passed away at her home November 10, 2022, after a lifetime of diseases. She was proceeded in death by her parents and 3 brothers, Ed, Bob and Gary Creger. Survivors are her 3 daughters, Dawn (Mike) Cram, Michele Michelle and Candy (Leonard) Garcia, her companion of 30 years Lynn Gubbe, lots of grandchildren and great grandchildren. stepchildren Elmer and Alaica Gubbe, and 2 Sisters Debbie Davenport and Sharon Benjamin. Our Mom always took care of us. She stayed home to raise us. Our home was always clean, we had home cooked meals and never went hungry. She liked all kinds of food, she wasn't picky. She liked trying new recipes. Mom liked to play Rummy, Boggle, Yahtzee and Rack-o. Mom loved going to the Casino and playing the slot machines. Her football teams were the U of M and the Denver Broncos. She would play football squares. She was a member of the American Legion Auxiliary for 30 years in Tecumseh, Michigan. In her twenties she was diagnosed with Systematic Lupus Erythromatosis. She had suffered 2 strokes, an aortic aneurysm-had a million-dollar operation to put special stents in her heart which helped to buy her some more time. She was then diagnosed with metastatic lung and bone cancer stage 4. Our Mom was always a giving person and would help anyone she could. She knew her organs wouldn't be of use to anyone so finding out she could donate her body to science made her happy that she could help make a difference for the next generation. A HERO Always and Forever. Never forgotten always in our hearts. We love you, Mom.