Theresa Benavidez

January 1963
June 2019


So I want to talk a little bit about our momma. Not a lot of people knew she fought a long and hard battle for 6 yrs. She fought until her very last breath. She is the strongest woman I know and Lord knows I don't think I can ever be as strong as she was. She will always be our hero my momma. Our mom had been telling us for years that she wanted her body donated to science in some hopes her death would help someone else out in her position. We agreed to this and thought it was a wonderful idea. Today she got that last wish her body was donated to science. The were great when they showed up to take her away. The offered their condolences gave us roses in her honor explained everything in detail as to what they were going to do and where she would be taken. They also let us have some private time with her before they took her. We are devastated but we take solace in knowing she is no longer in pain, can see all the beautiful things again and she is with our heavenly father. She has been telling us remember no crying from the time we found out what was going to happen it's kinda hard not to because of the type of person she was. She was loved by her kids her grandkids and her many friends. Our momma will always be remembered and loved. 💕💕

Friends & Family

Mario Urbina, Tomasina Mayes, Julie Benavidez, Joseph Benavidez, Crystal Zeferino, Joyce Benavidez

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