January 2024

Science Care newsletter

This Month: Memory in Nature®, Health Literacy & More!

This Month: Memory in Nature®, Health Literacy & More!

Memory in Nature®: At Science Care, We Celebrate Life.

Memory in Nature®: At Science Care, We Celebrate Life.

While Science Care is a program families choose at the end of their life, it doesn’t mean our program is about death. On the contrary, we believe our program is about life. When someone chooses to become a donor with Science Care, they are contributing to so many life-giving projects through medical research and education training programs.

Our team established the Memory in Nature program as a small way to honor the gift of donation. At the beginning of each year, in partnership with the National Forest Foundation, we plant a tree on behalf of every donor. Science Care is proud to help the Earth and humanity heal through life-affirming action. The Memory in Nature® program is a small way we honor the gift of donation to science, and leave the world a better place for future generations.


What Does it Mean to be Health Literate?

What Does it Mean to be Health Literate?

Health Literacy has become a more popular term in the last few years, but many aren’t sure what it means or why it should matter to them.

The American health system is incredibly complex. At some point in our lives, we will all need to be able to find, understand, and use health information and services. 9 out of 10 adults struggle with health literacy, which is much more than just being able to read. Read more: https://www.sciencecare.com/blog/what-does-it-mean-to-be-health-literate

Supporting Elderly Caregivers

Supporting Elderly Caregivers

The aging of our loved ones is an undeniable reality, and with it comes the need to provide care as their abilities grow more limited.Around 40 million Americans serve as the primary caregiver to older adults and adults with disabilities — many of whom also balance employment and other responsibilities. Learn more in our blog: https://www.sciencecare.com/blog/supporting-elderly-loved-ones

FREE eBook

FREE eBook

Have you downloaded our FREE eBook? This is a great resource if you're interested in learning more about body donation to science, how to ensure your wishes are known, and how your ultimate gift gives hope to future generations. Download your copy for free here: https://global-uploads.webflow.com/5df3d56e20b6d37f8de5e660/63f67571bfaeaa2a81d738a4_science-care-educational-ebook-2023-q1.pdf