Why choose body donation to science?

As an alternative to a traditional burial, funeral, or cremation, body donation to science has the ability to benefit future generations.
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Change the future of medicine and help generations to come

Your gift of donation provides a pathway to greater knowledge and discovery. If you or someone you know has ever taken a prescription medication, used a skin product, had an orthopedic implant, a minimally invasive surgery, or ever been a transplant recipient — Science Care donors continue to help train and develop these areas of medicine.

Medical advancements made possible by body donors

Here are just a few of the areas in which Science Care donors have made contributions to medical research and education:

  • Alzheimer’s research
  • Cancer research
  • Heart disease
  • Orthopedics
  • Spinal injuries
  • Reproductive advancements
  • Paramedic training
Medical research programs
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Thank you for notifying me of the planting of a tree in memory of my brother. We are grateful for his foresight in contributing himself to aid in learning about our bodies and in so doing helping others in the process.
— A donor's Family Member

Memory in Nature

Each year, Science Care plants a tree to honor the life of each donor. This is a small way we honor the gift of donation and leave the world a better place for future generations.
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