October 2021

Science Care newsletter

A Word From Our CEO & Program Director

A Word From Our CEO & Program Director

We are excited to kick off a new tradition of providing you with periodic updates, including the latest news and stories from within our Program, along with a healthy serving of fun and entertainment.  

I feel like that old friend that hasn’t had a chance to talk to you in forever, so I have so much to share!  Oh, where to begin…

COVID-19 has presented unique challenges to individuals and organizations world-wide. For Science Care, the height of the COVID-19 pandemic greatly impacted our ability to place donated tissues as the medical community shifted more focus from hands-on training and education to saving lives and treatment of the living.  This shift played a key role in temporary adjustments we had to make to our Program.  This included limiting the number of donations accepted to be more aligned with the needs of the medical community.

Fast forward to 2021 and our challenge has morphed into something entirely different.  The medical community is quickly recovering from a period which saw a drastic reduction in the number of hands-on training events and research performed. The need for donated tissue to support this rebound in the world-wide medical community is outpacing the availability of donated tissues to support the increase in research, training, and education. Our team has been working diligently throughout 2021 to ensure we continue meeting the wishes of our donors while supporting the needs of the medical community. Supporting all opportunities to advance medical science through whole body donation is our mission. Currently our biggest challenge in accomplishing this mission is the ability to quickly spread the word that donors are needed!

So, this got me thinking…

‘Giving the gift of a better life to loved ones and society’ is the sentiment most often shared by our donors as their number one reason for making the decision to donate their bodies to science. However, as an organization we have done a poor job communicating how our Science Care Community can help to positively impact their loved ones and society during their lives as well.  

Did you know it is estimated that less than 1% of people are even aware of the option to donate their body to science? So, not only are the vast majority of people  missing out on the opportunity to give back the gift of a better life, but they are also not aware of the potential no cost cremation benefit that follows such a selfless act.

I know, it is shocking isn’t it! Our goal is to work to build awareness around the option of donation as an alternative to traditional burial or cremation.  We know donation is not the wish of everyone, but we want our communities to know there are alternative options to consider.

So, I kindly ask you to help us help others.

I truly believe body donation in support of science and medical advancement positively impacts every part of our lives.  Because of the generosity of those who have donated their bodies to science, we all experience a higher quality of life.  I always say our Program isn’t about death at all; it is about LIFE. Our donors leave us hope for the possibility of a longer, healthier, higher quality life!    

With only a handful of days left in October, we couldn’t let the month pass without honoring the courageous women and men who have been diagnosed with, won the fight with, or lost their battle with breast cancer.  The Science Care Program has supported efforts in research and education for over 21 years and breast cancer is no exception.  A few years ago, it became a bit more personal for me; someone very near and dear to me was diagnosed with breast cancer.  It was a member of our Science Care Team, Carol Egan.  It brings me to tears today to write about it, but she is a survivor today and she has offered to share a bit of her journey with all of us.  She is an amazing example of what the gift of donation can contribute to.  You can find her personal journey below!

If you see body donation as having the same positive impacts on society as we do, we ask that you please join us in our mission to help raise awareness around the option of body donation in your communities.  We will be working to offer better education and resources on how you can join us in our goal of building awareness.  If you are anything like me, social media and technology are like rocket science!  So, check out our helpful tips below on how to help spread awareness on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram. Or, you can always direct anyone interested in donation right to our website at https://www.sciencecare.com/body-donation/register!        

I feel we have so much more to catch up on, so I hope you will stay tuned as we work to build out our monthly communication to better support you and our communities.  Over the course of the next few months, we will be working to deliver our newsletters to you a little earlier each month.  

Until then, please stay safe and be well.  

We hope you enjoy what we have put together for you.  If you have specific questions or suggestions for the newsletter that you would like us to consider for the future, don’t be shy! Click reply to say “Hi”! CEO@sciencecare.com

For any donation related questions or updates, or resources on how you can forward a Science Care eBook to someone you know, please check out our quick links at the end of this newsletter.

Carol Egan’s Journey

Carol Egan’s Journey

I have a good friend who was diagnosed with a very aggressive form of breast cancer 12 years ago, when she was in her early 40’s.  I participated in the Komen 3 Day Walk for the Cure twice, in her honor – this is a 60-mile walk, 20 miles a day, to raise funds for breast cancer research.  I’m happy to say that she beat this cancer and is doing well.  

In September/October 2015, I was in the best shape of my life, training for my first half-marathon at the ripe old age of 58. I went in for my yearly mammogram in early September.  A suspicious area was found, and a biopsy done.  On September 11, 2015 I received the call that I had breast cancer.

On October 7, 2015, I had surgery to remove the cancer. Ten days after surgery I went ahead and ran that first half-marathon. Such an emotional time – family and friends gathered at the finish line to cheer me in.

A few weeks later I started my 32 rounds of radiation, leaving work and going every weekday at lunch.  Management at Science Care supported me every step of the way, giving me this extra time to get to my radiation appointments.

I still get yearly mammograms and follow up with my oncologist; this will go on the rest of my life.  I’m happy to say I’ve been cancer free for 6 years now!  I don’t consider myself a survivor, but a thriver!

I still participate in races for charities that help breast cancer patients.  5ks (3.1 mile runs) and Sprint Triathlons(400 meter swim, 12 mile bike, 3.1 mile run) for a local charity that helps provide wigs for women who lost hair due to chemotherapy and who help schedule and pay for rides to and from chemo/radiation appointments for women who don’t have any way of getting to their treatments. They also provide free mammograms.  I’ve also completed a Half Ironman (1.2-mile swim, 56-mile bike,13.1-mile run), raising money for a charity based in California. They raise funds to help send cancer patients to destinations of their dreams, much like Make a Wish does for their participants.  I will continue to train and participate in these events to help raise funds for research and awareness of the need to get early screening.

They say 1 in 5women will be diagnosed with cancer in their lifetime.  I hope to be an inspiration to whomever needs it, to let them know that life can still be lived to the fullest and that breast cancer does NOT define us.

According to the American Cancer Society, breast cancer is the most common cancer diagnosed among US women and is the second leading cause of death among women after lung cancer.  (If we need to site the webpage:  https://www.cancer.org/research/cancer-facts-statistics/breast-cancer-facts-figures.html

Science Care Donors continue to support research efforts, treatment, and after-care in the pursuit to find a cure for breast cancer.  Many of our donors have been part of programs that positively impact the quality of care and life for many people battling this illness today.  We would love to share just a few of the ways our Donors have supported these efforts.

Many of our donors have:
  • Assisted in research and development of new medical imaging techniques and devices that allow for earlier detection of breast cancer.  This allows for more proactive, alternative, and expanded measures and treatment options.
  • Assisted in the development of new and more effective radiotherapy options following lumpectomies.  This helps to target and destroy remnant cancer cells following completion of surgical removal.
  • Assisted in training and qualifying surgeons to perform complex surgical procedures such as lumpectomies, mastectomies, as well as oncoplastic reconstructive surgeries.  This type of training is critical for restoring a patient’s anatomy to pre-operation appearance.
We urge our Community to perform monthly self-exams and visit with your doctor regularly for a mammogram and to discuss any changes you observe.

There are state and local programs who can provide financial assistance programs for breast cancer exams or breast cancer treatment.  If you or someone you know needs assistance, please reach out to your local hospitals. A social worker or patient navigator should be able to refer you to programs in your area.

Make Your Wishes Known

Make Your Wishes Known

Did you know it is estimated over 40% of people who state their intent to donate to Science may never become donors?
The top two reasons our registrants wish is not honored are:

  • Reason #1 Loved ones were not made aware of the wish or were against donation at the time of passing.
    Take the time to share this Informative eBook with your loved ones to ensure they know about your wishes and what to expect when you reach that end of life care point.
  • Reason #2 Self-consents were not complete, and there was no one to complete it in the legal consenting class after passing.*
*We are in the process of finalizing an update to our self-consent forms for 2022 and will announce their implementation in an upcoming newsletter when they are ready for your completion. We have taken our time to ensure that these forms are as robust as possible to ensure your wishes are clearly stated to allow your loved ones to easily carry out your wishes. If you need to complete a self-consent, please wait for that announcement to ensure you complete the most up-to-date consent.

Although discussions around end-of-life can be difficult, we encourage you to have the conversations with your loved ones to engage them in your decision to donate. By getting them involved now, they can help to ensure your wishes are honored, and it gives you an opportunity to introduce them to the Science Care Program and the amazing impact of donation through our program.  For some, the upcoming holidays are a time of gathering and sharing.  Our team has seen firsthand the burden it places on families and friends when they are unclear on their loved one’s final wishes.  You can choose to give the gift of clarity to your loved ones as we approach this holiday season.

Registering Your Intent to donate to Science Care versus being screened for priority acceptance into the Science Care HOPE Program®

Many of our registered donors and their loved ones are unaware Science Care offers a special HOPE Program® option for terminally ill patients or people in hospice or palliative care.  Anyone who has been diagnosed as terminally ill or is under hospice or palliative care can be screened for acceptance into this program. Upon acceptance into the HOPE Program® you receive a one-year priority consideration for acceptance into our program, which helps to provide peace of mind to both our donors and their loved ones.  If you exceed the one year (and we sure hope you do), all you need to do is be rescreened for an additional year.  We encourage any of our registered donors who qualify for this program to get screened today! You can start the screening once you enter that end of life care point (hospice care, palliative care, or have been diagnosed with a terminal illness) by following this link: https://www.sciencecare.com/priority-acceptance-program.

There are a few key benefits to both the donor and their loved ones by enrolling in the HOPE Program®:

  • Medical screening and social history can be collected directly from the donor (or a person of their choice)prior to passing.
    • Benefits to Loved Ones: This reduces the amount of information we are required to collect after passing.
  • For anyone that has not already completed Self-Consents in the registration process, this is a great time to get this done. At the completion of the medical screening Science Care will prepare and send you the Self-Consent forms for your completion as the last step in the process.
    • Benefits to Loved Ones: This reduces the burden for your loved ones and additional witnesses required to sign consents after passing. And it is critical for our potential donors who do not have a blood relative, legal next-of-kin, or medical power of attorney to consent after their passing.

There are restrictions on the Science Care HOPE Program®.

You can visit our website for more details at

Tips for a safe and happy Halloween for our fur babies

Tips for a safe and happy Halloween for our fur babies

The safety and happiness of our fur babies is important year-round, but here are a few things to consider during Halloween and the upcoming holidays to keep them safe.

Hide the Treats

Many types of candy can be very toxic for our pets.  Any type of chocolate, gum, or certain sugar free candies containing xylitol can cause serious problems for our pets.  If your pet ingests any type of candy (or potentially toxic candy), you should call your veterinarian immediate, or a poison control center.  


It can be fun to dress up our pets, but for some animals it can cause a lot of stress.  If your pet does enjoy dressing up, ensure the costume you choose allows your pet to see, move, and breathe like normal. Also, ensure you check the costume for any choking hazards or risks associated with the costume moving around or becoming tangled on your pet.  


Beware of any decorations that could potentially cause harm to your pet. These include candles (both because they are a fire hazard and toxic to birds if scented), small choking hazards, possible poisons or toxins (glow sticks, fake blood, potpourri), and any strung lights, candy wrappers, or plastic packaging that could cause choking in pets.  

Spa Night

Masks and costumes change how people look and smell to a pet, so even someone familiar may frighten your pet.  If you have people over, or decide to pass out candy, consider creating a pet spa area for your pet.  Treat them to some of their favorite treats and a new toy.  Heck, even put on some soothing music for them and let them lay back and relax until the festivities are over.  

If you do let your pets join in on the fun, make sure they are wearing tags with current IDs and that their microchip is registered with your most recent up-to-date information.

Halloween Fun Facts

Halloween Fun Facts

  • The holiday dates back more than 2,000 years.
  • Trick-or-treating has existed since medieval times.
  • Candy corn was originally called Chicken Feed.
  • Halloween originated from an ancient Celtic festival.
  • Some Halloween rituals used to involve finding a husband.
  • Halloween is now the second-largest commercial holiday in the U.S.
  • New York City throws the biggest Halloween parade in the U.S.
  • Princesses and superheroes rank as the most popular kids' costumes.

Remembering When “50 Years Ago” October 1971

Remembering When “50 Years Ago” October 1971

Topping the Billboard music charts for October 1971 was “Maggie May/Reason to Believe” by Rod Stewart.  Topping the Country charts was “How Can I Unlove You” by Lynn Anderson.  

  • Walt Disney World opened in Bay Lake, Florida.
  • Soul Train began a syndicated program broadcasting nationally.  It was one of the longest-running syndicated programs in American television history.
  • The first CAT Scan (CT Scan) on a human being was performed.
  • Operation Jefferson Glenn, the last major combat engagement in the Vietnam War by U.S. forces, ended after 33 days.
  • John Lennon release his megahit single “Imagine”.
  • The Pittsburgh Pirates defeated the Baltimore Orioles and captured the championship of Major League Baseball.
  • The coming-of-age film The Last Picture Show was premiered in the U.S.
Grief & the Holidays

Grief & the Holidays

Many people in our Science Care Community are dealing with grief from the loss of a loved one.  With the holiday season quickly approaching, it can be a reminder of our loved one’s absence, but it can also bring a sense of joy and comforting memories.  For many it can be a combination of both.  

For one member of the Science Care Team, Ryan Stetson, it was getting back to his childhood that has helped him to stay connected with his father.  He was gracious enough to share his story and an awesome recipe for each of us to enjoy!

As far back as I can remember, cooking has been a huge part of my life.  I grew up with a father that was a chef (self-taught from a young age), and he did everything he could to instill that love of cooking into me.  Although I enjoyed helping him as a child, I never really caught the cooking bug until later in life. Having lost my father at the age of 15, I found it to be a way to stay connected to his memory in more recent years.  And now that some of my best friends are AMAZING cooks themselves, I’ve been able to learn even more and bring my recipes to the next level.

One of the recipes that quickly became a family favorite is my prosciutto-wrapped meatballs and homemade sauce.  The inspiration just struck one day and I took a stab at it.  Now whenever I get together with family for the holidays, it’s the top request (even if Italian food isn’t necessarily your standard holiday fare).

I hope you enjoy this as much as we do.  May it bring a little extra cheer to your holidays!

Rye’s Sunday Gravy Marinara ™

  • 8 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 Vidalia onion (finely chopped)
  • 4 cloves garlic (peeled, finely chopped)
  • 2 teaspoons sea salt
  • 2 teaspoons cracked pepper
  • 1 teaspoon basil
  • 1 teaspoon cumin
  • 2 pinch sage
  • 1 bunch parsley (chopped)
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 2 28-oz cans of whole, peeled tomatoes
  • 1 16-oz can of diced tomatoes
  • 2 6-oz cans of tomato paste
  • 2 Santa Fe Grande peppers (AKA "Yellow hot chili pepper" and the "Guero chili pepper"; finely chopped)

First, use a garlic press to press the garlic.  Add this to 1 teaspoon of sea salt.  Grind these together into a fine paste and set them aside.

Take the whole peel tomatoes and puree in a blender.  Set aside.

Add the olive oil, onion, and peppers to a saucepan.  Sauté these on a low heat until the texture of the onion is soft and pliable.  Then, add the blended tomatoes and stir.  Mix in the diced tomatoes.  Add one can of tomato paste at a time (add the 2nd can if you like your sauce thicker; if you add both cans and would like to thin the sauce, add about ¼ cup of water at a time until you reach the desired texture).  Slowly mix in the rest of the sea salt, cracked pepper, basil, cumin, parsley, the 2 pinches of sage, and the bay leaf.  Taste periodically and add spice to your liking.  Allow sitting over medium heat until it comes to a light boil.  Allow simmering on low heat for about 20 minutes.  Enjoy pasta, bread, with my Prosciutto-Wrapped Meatballs of Happiness, or by itself!

Rye’s Prosciutto-Wrapped Meatballs of Happiness™

  • 6 tablespoons of olive oil
  • 1 lb ground beef
  • ½ Vidalia onion (finely chopped)
  • 2 eggs
  • ½ cup bread crumbs
  • 2 cloves garlic (peeled, finely chopped)
  • 1 teaspoon sea salt
  • 1 package of Prosciutto (thinly sliced; 3-6 oz should be good)

First, use a garlic press to press the garlic.  Add this to the sea salt.  Grind these together into a fine paste and set them aside.

Thoroughly mix the ground beef, onion, eggs, bread crumbs, and garlic paste in a bowl.   Roll these into separate meatballs onto a large baking pan (you should get about 12 medium-sized meatballs).  Wrap a single piece of prosciutto around each meatball (you may use a toothpick on each to be sure that they adhere, but generally you can make them stick without it).

Using a large frying pan and the olive oil, fry the meatballs for a few minutes each (you should be able to fry about 4 at a time; once you lightly brown them, place them back on the baking pan).  Once all the meatballs are just lightly browned (not cooked through) and on the baking pan, cover them with a good layer of Rye’s Marinara.  Place in the oven at 400 degrees (after preheating the oven) and bake for 20 minutes or until golden brown.  Enjoy thoroughly!

Grief & the Holidays

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Quick Links

Download our eBook to share with a friend or loved one to share the wish

Name, Address or Phone Number Updated to Registration Link

Ask a question about our Program or Registration – Check out our FAQ’s

Or reach out to us via at info@sciencecare.com.  We will get back with you promptly.